Monday 23 May 2011

its been a while...

So, I now see why other 12wbter's haven't kept up with their blogs! busy busy busy.

I have finished all the pre season tasks and started 'properly' yesterday.  I did my normal body pump class at lunch, and today at lunch will do Michelle's first cardio workout.

Oh and I'm wearing size 12 pants right now!

Monday 16 May 2011

A great work out today

I had a great work out today. I did pump class, and then fifteen minutes on the cross trainer. I had those good endorphins going, and only left as i had to go back to work. I think i will use the cross trainer a lot during this challenge. The treadmill seems to upset my hip which is dissapointing.

Ill go back tomorrow and i cant wait for the challenge to start in a week. I have already met my first goal, to fit into size 12 pants before it starts, one more week and i will be able to wear them to work.

Friday 13 May 2011

The difference between a treat and falling off the wagon?

Today we went out to lunch at grilld. Then we bought some groceries and i bought a 45 gram dark choc bar to share with my husband.

I am not sure if this is bad or not...i havn't started the challenge yet, but even then we are allowed a treat meal once a week.

I actually feel a bit yuck, i think my burger had a lot of salt...

Readers: what are your thoughts? Ok treat, or did i crack?

Thursday 5 May 2011

stupid pants fell down

I quit today cause my pants fell down.

Am on my way now to get new pants. I'd better not have to pay $80 for a new pair!

not a good morning, but I'll JFDI

Why oh why after a week of good eating as per crunch time (except two nights of weight watchers recipe pizza) and 3 great gym sessions do the stupid frigging scales say I've gained 100 grams.  Talk about de motivating.

No more weight watchers pizza's for me - maybe its the Lebanese bread at dinner time or something? Or maybe my combined breakfast, lunch and dinner had to many carbs in it? oats, pumpkin soup and then Lebanese pizza?

Maybe last week I was really dehydrated so the result wasn't 'real'? Maybe since being back at pump I've gained muscle?

All I know is I want that stupid number to go down.  This is what happens in the past, I look on a friday and see that I've not lost much weight yet and say 'well what does it matter if I have a ...' and I eat loosely on the weekend and then get back to being strict on the monday.  I will not eat anything not approved by Michelle this weekend. There I've said it, now I'll stick to it.

Am meeting friends from out of town at a bakery tomorrow.  A BAKERY.  I didn't have the heart to suggest somewhere else as I didn't want to be a pain in the ass.  I hope they serve coffee! otherwise I'll eat nothing and watch my son eat a lamington. yay. oh can you hear the sarcasm in that yay?

Tuesday 3 May 2011

My first run today


Well today I started C25K. I ran at 9km/h and then finished it off at 10km/h! then I stayed and did the bike and rower until I hit 560 calories burnt.

Also, I liked 'Creme Brulee' flavour tea from T2.  It gets me to 3pm so I can have my snack, and it smells divine.

Monday 2 May 2011

Green curry chicken and back to the gym

Well we tried the green curry chicken. After having done a cooking course in thailand i was dubious...its great! I cooked double and we had left overs tonight. I even liked the eggplant.

I went back to the gym today after a month off with bronchitis. I did pump and halved my weights. I could have had more on the bar so will go to 3/4's of normal weight on thursday. I stayed behind and did ankilometre on the rower and a little wqlk until i hit 560 calories.

Tomorrow is a rest day and im going to investigate the tea shop...