Wednesday 8 June 2011

week three and 1.7 kilos lost

Hi All,

This is so hard to keep up, I spend so much time either at the gym, packing my gym back, researching recipes, meal planning, calorie counting and then shopping and endless hours cooking, I don't have my energy left for my poor old blog.

I have lost 1.7 kilos so far, I'm a bit dissapointed, but will work harder this week.  I am exercising well 5 days a week, but need to do 6 days.  My Basal Metabolic Rate is only 1440, and with ten kilos to go, it is only going to get lower, so this means that if I eat the 1200 calories per day, I only have a deficit of 220, so I really need to eat about 1000.

This does scare me though, what will it be by the time I have lost my weight? I'll be eating 1200 calories just to maintain as I'm so short! ripped off!  It makes me angry though when you read in passing things like 'women need 1800 calories a day to maintain a healthy weight' etc I can't remember where I have read things like that, but I know they are out there, and so I wonder how many short woman are gaining weight, thinking they are doing the right thing?

Anyway, off I go to continue my slow journey.

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